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Friday, March 19, 2010

Why I’m Sold on Cash Gifting! Part II

In yesterday's post, I shared with all of my NormsLink subscribers
some of the basic reasons why I'm so sold on Cash Gifting programs.
The basic reason is because it's so easy to get started into cash
with Cash Gifting . And the next reason is because Cash
Gifting helps so many people.

I've heard testimonies of people who were on the verge of losing
their homes to foreclosure, or having their vehicle repossessed.
But a Cash Gifting program turned everything around. I don't know
about you, but I love those kinds of stories.


We are in a time of extreme financial stress, not only in our
country but globally. Families are hurting. People are in need.
What better time for people to come together as a community to help
one another?

We also established in yesterday's email, that Cash Gifting
programs are absolutely legal within the bounds of the law of the
U.S. (You may have to check with your own country's laws.)


But, people ask, aren't Cash Gifting programs a scam?

To that I honestly answer yes, there have been scams in Cash
Gifting. But then, there have been scams in nearly every facet of
online marketing. But that certainly doesn't discourage me! Nor
will I let it stop me. Just like everyone else, I have sunk a lot
of my money into scam programs in online marketing.

Likewise, I have been in Cash Gifting programs that, while they
were not scams, they were less-than-satisfactory. Such experiences
served to teach me, but not to discourage me. Because basically I
know the concept WORKS. And that's the bottom line.


It is easy to see how a great majority of people hold negative
opinions about Cash Gifting. It's because they are confusing
realities of the worst in the business with some of the properly
structured activities of today. And basically, there's no

Once you begin to examine a program closely you will be able to
tell quickly if it is built on integrity, honesty, and strong
ethics. Thankfully, there are ethical cash gifting programs today
that benefit all the community members involved. (Not just a few
at the top who are lining their pockets.)

In a properly structured cash gifting program, the gifting takes
place between two individuals. The cash gift is untouched between
giver and receiver - there is no other intermediary involved.

Bottom line - look for a program that is built on strong ethics,
with honesty and integrity at the very foundation. A program that
puts others first! With such a program, you can't go wrong.
It's my hope that if you choose not to get involved in Cash Gifting
it's simply because that's your choice - and not due to lack of
knowledge and correct information.

I have to tell you that when you begin receiving cash gifts to your
front door (or to your PayPal or your AlertPay account), you'll become a true

If you have any questions, please contact me. My email address is


With that said, here are three Cash Gifting programs that are
working well for me right now: Love this because it's global and because
it's within the reach of every person. Begin with $1 or $25 and
quickly work up.

[At this writing, this program is set for a RE-launch because of undergoing
a few growing pains. It's now set for March 22, 2010!I've had lots of people
sign up for this one with very little advertising!] (Password: prosperity2010) This community is
US only. Very highly reputable people started this program just
last month (February 2010). You can begin this with only a $100
gift. This moves very quickly. I like to use this program as a
feeder into the one listed below. (Password: blessings) Simple
Blessings begins with $200, but grows into very large sums of
money. Again, the founders are reputable people with a heart to
help others. This one also is US only.

You can't go wrong with any of these. Do what you feel will fit
your need, and fit your present marketing program.

Partner to your success,
Norm J. Larz

PS: If you like my nifty short little URLs, you can get them here:
It's a great way to protect your affiliate links!